Opening ceremony
The opening of the event will be held at the location as shown on the picture below. Here we will hold a guild fancy dress. Dress up in anything you wish from your favorite transmogrify set or something hilarious. We will then have prizes for the two best dressed that will be decided from you guys there and then. Each player will be able to walk up and down through the inner circle of the location and each person can vote between 1 and 5 in /say. I will add up the results and whom ever gets the highest votes wins! Second place will also gain a prize for their efforts so get creative!

The main event!
The hunt for the lost Artifacts begins! Throughout this incredible city/space ship holds a ton of items around that can be found from the city folk and surrounding areas. Your task is to look for these items without using any website to help you out (We can check by how fast you complete this task if you have used other sources and you will be disqualified.) You will then have just 15 minutes to find the items on the list below and trade them too me or Ruuku. The person to hand them too us the fastest will win a fantastic prize! also note: Each item has a specific set of points so the more points you are able to obtain will also put you in to the draw of who found the more valuable artifacts! The person who the highest overall score will also win a prize so think smart!

The artifacts:
Moon berry juice = 1 point
Coal = 1 point
Large Bore Blunderbuss = 1 point
Gem pouch = 1 point
Engineers Ink = 1 point
Pink Dye = 1 point
Black dye = 2 points
Rondel = 2 points
Thermal Anvil = 2 points
blackbone wand = 2 points
Flawless Diamond Solitaire = 3 points
Gateway control stone = 3 points
The Final showdown!
The last part of the event will be your chance to show off your guild pride and passion. Below is the location were you can take a screenshot WITH the guild banner in there somewhere and then you will have to upload your image to this event thread and 5 days later a poll will go up. The votes will be counted for 7 days and the person that has the coolest screenshot with the most votes will also win a prize!

The prizes:
Opening Ceremony -
First prize = Blizzard pet of your choice.
Second Prize = gold
Main Event -
Prize for most artifacts = Blizzard pet of your choice.
Prize for most points gained = gold and a goody bag.
Screenshot competition -
Prize for most voted Photo = Chopper mount
I look forward to the event and seeing all your wonderful faces there! A in game calendar will go up for the date so be on the look out for that! Much love! Remember It's this Friday so get ready! <3
Event officers: Vaylen & Ruuku
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