To say It's been a while since I dabbled in the Warcraft Universe would be a hell of a understatement. In the space of my last post, I'm now married, Living in my own house with my beautiful wife and enjoying our time together even more than I ever have. We are settling in really well, we finally got our sofa today so after three weeks of sitting on chairs our friend kindly lent us we can now relax and enjoy proper chilled out evenings together.
As you may of guessed we also have our internet up and running, To start with we wanted to go with EE but with a three week installation time and a lazy Copper wire feeding us sub optimal speeds for our area we decided to go with virgin. Have not looked back since. Next up was a computer, yay!
We wanted to have something to suit both mine and the wife's needs. A capable computer for both editing videos and playing video games. PC Specialist was our chosen company and we got our beautiful machine within 3 days of placing our order. I highly recommend them to any one looking for a new system.
I'm also back on the Warcraft band wagon. Playing a Windwalker monk and loving it. I do have to admit, it took me a while to appreciate the new class mechanics but its an absolute blast. I've grown out of having to play the top DPS class. Enjoy the limited time I get to play and Enjoy it I shall! The WW style is so great and it flows incredibly well, Wish I could say the same for my writing techniques. >.<
Everything is a huge learning curve again which is great, but I feel so far behind everyone its crazy. Hopefully 7.2.5 will bring in more catch up mechanics for those behind. The Mythic dungeons are a great addition to the game and I have to admit, I do not raid half as much or if at all, so it fits my timings perfectly. That and climbing ladders on diablo.
So my guild is still around but was collecting dust for a few months now. Only a few of us play and a few returning but we look to have a 1 night a week raiding period for a full clear and a few dungeons here in there. Casual and as cool as a set of cucumbers. Its great to be back.
- Vaylen.
Tuesday, 8 August 2017
Friday, 22 May 2015
Basic Mistweaver Healing Guide | Highmaul | The Arcane Sanctum
Hello again everyone! As promised I have written up a very basic healing guide for the next three bosses within the second wing of Highmaul. I want to keep these short and sweet. Less dribble and just the facts you need as a Mistweaver. Thank you for the kind words from my last post! Lets get the ball rolling for another super basic guide!
Note: These guides do not teach you how to play your class or tell you exactly what spells to use. Just a few tips here and there for good measure.
Tectus -
- If targeted by Crystalline barrage run away from the raid (to the right)
- If you have any Earthen Pillars spawning on you, Move. (to the left)
- Tanks take heavy consistent damage throughout. Use spells like soothing mixed with surging.
- Raid will take large damage on every Tectonic Upheaval. Use a mixture of uplifts and chi brews to help balance it out.
- Use revival on second Upheaval so it could be up for the last one.
- Spells like chi torpedo coupled with celerity for the extra roll help great for the movement of this fight.
- I take chi burst here as I like its raid healing for Upheaval/melee group dealing with red stuff.
- Statue on melee.
Twin Ogron -
- First off, fire is bad, move from it. Zen med and defuse magic negate its damage.
- Avoid Pol's charge, spread on pulverize.
- Tank A takes damage from whirlwind, save hamster ball for that. (Life Cocoon)
- Watch out for interruption shout. If you have a paladin, get them to use devo aura here. (Mana tea wont be interrupted anyway)
- Keep the statue by the ranged. Single target the melee (My raid never had many of them dudes)
Ko'ragh - Super simple guide.
- Fire debuff can be dispelled, if you like to cheese, soon as the first raid wide fire debuff is up, use revival. (will be up for last one)
- If the boss is charging move away (behind someone else)
- help stun adds with leg sweep when needed.
- Tanks and the player catching the orbs will take heavy damage, Save cocoon for those three.
- Dont stand by or near any of the bad stuff (ice, fire, arcane)
- Use surging/soothing on tanks (watch for range) and use uplift as a main chi spender here. Lots of AoE damage from people unable to avoid all the avoidable damage.
There you go folks! Second basic guide complete! I will add some widgets in for the spells for new people looking to know more about the spells, but it's Friday, It's been a busy week and I have a cold now so I want to mong out! Until next time folks! Take care! - Vaylen.
Saturday, 16 May 2015
Basic Mistweaver Healing Guide | Highmaul | The Walled City
Hello folks! It's been one hell of a long time since I wrote a super basic healing guide and featured a post about my monk but since my break (getting ready for the forces) I have not had as much time as I wanted to back track on my blog ideas and get writing. However I feel like it's the right time to write up some super basic guides cutting out the boring things like every tactic each encounter has because I'm sure we're all accustomed to them now. Anyway, Below will be a guide on each encounter Enjoy!
Important! This is a basic guide amusing you already know how to play this class. I will not be covering each spell to use. Just a general overview. Icy veins, wow head and others all have you covered there.
Kargath Bladefist -
- Place statue in the middle of the room for healing coverage.
- Stay away from tiger pits around the room. Fall in it and you will die.
- Be aware of fire pillars. If Kargath targets you, run behind a fire piller to stun him. (Chi torpedo is great for this)
- Tanks take more damage during impale so save cooldowns like cocoon for the second impale.
- Keep ReM on at least 1 charge
- Soothing mist on Tanks prio.
- If there is a ton of raid damage, revival should be used accordingly, don't waste it.
- Defuse magic is your best friend.
- Chi wave for coverage.
The Butcher -
- Place statue in melee range.
- Soothing mist on tanks constantly.
- Soon as stacks build up from melee groups use AOE heals frequently such as uplift.
- After second charge, I use revival for a effective recovery.
- Use ReM as your main chi generator along with surging.
- Dampen Harm if you really want to reduce charge damage.
- When bosses Zerk face, don't panic.
- Chi burst, aimed at the melee group is OP.
Brackenspore -
- Avoid the green stuff on the floor (Creeping moss)
- Heal up mushrooms as prio.
- The green one, living mushroom should be activated when topped off during infesting spore. (Crazy raid damage)
- Heal up the blue mushroom for mana regeneration and haste for the whole raid. Here you can go balls to the wall with uplifts and enveloping on tanks.
- Switch to Crane stance to help kill adds and use ToD on the big adds.
- Save cooldowns for the expected tank damage when stacks get high. Otherwise it wont ever be needed.
- Chi Torpedo is great here along with celerity for more free heals.
- Defuse magic/zen med during infesting is great ways to mitigate that poison damage.
There we go! Basic guide on the first wing complete! Expect the rest out during this weekend. For those after my Warrior play throughs, they will be back but only for a month or so as I leave for the Army on the 13th of July! So as I'm sure you guys can appreciate the lateness of them recently. I did actualy cancel my sub to focus on training but I feel like I have to complete my play through as I really did enjoy it and such. Speak soon babes! - Vaylen.
Friday, 3 April 2015
Let's play/blog World Of Warcraft | Way of the Warrior | 30 - 40 | #4
Hello again everyone! Welcome to my Let's play/blog series. In this series of blog posts I have been venturing forth on a new character/class combination as voted from my guild mates. In these posts I like to cover my leveling locations, Lore, class abilities and so on. In this episode we're venturing through Western Plaguelands, A place that has seem a bit of change since the last time you may have gone there! So sit back, relax and enjoy, Let's play Warcraft!
So we set off from our capital city of Ironforge, A city nestled in the mountain ranges of Dun Morogh. I was originally going to quest through Hinterlands but I wanted somewhere a little different. As much as I love it there, I have been to that place far to many times, so I thought, why not go somewhere a little different! The only issue was the enormous walk I had to do to finally reach WPL. I started in Ironforge, headed down to Wetlands, through Arathi Highlands and then cascade down the hinterlands hills to finally find this little shack of quest givers. Fewww!
Anyway, on to the location at hand, Western Plaguelands. What was once a beautiful and peaceful farmland, to the east of the lavish Lordaeron. Its central hub, Andorhal which supplied most of the grain to the surrounding areas and most northern provenances. This however would be the slow decay of the zone. Knowing how much influence this town had, the necromancer Kel'Thuzad tampered with the grain which then quickly spread across the land like a rash slowly killing off the humans living here, the wildlife and the land itself, which gives in to its new name, Plaguelands.
We start our adventure to the south, away from the towns for now. Tucked away in the mountains between the hinterlands there is a small path that will lead you to the first quest hub. It's here we start to make our advance through Andorhal and try and decipher the plots being conjured up. I actually really enjoyed the quest line here, it gace me fond memories of the grind back in TBC and that moment when I looted my first epic that sold for 500g! Hefty sum back then I kid you not!
Due to the nature of the quests here, there was so many creatures grouped up that I could finally take advantage of my new AOE ability whirlwind which was awesome. The power of the warrior through questing is unreal. With new additions to my self healing its been a doddle! Plus those 2k wildstrike lining up perfectly! mmm I TAKE IT!
Due to the nature of the quests here, there was so many creatures grouped up that I could finally take advantage of my new AOE ability whirlwind which was awesome. The power of the warrior through questing is unreal. With new additions to my self healing its been a doddle! Plus those 2k wildstrike lining up perfectly! mmm I TAKE IT!
During your time questing here you will find yourself surrounded by farmlands. One of the more stranger quests was the one were I had to help out a troll.. UGHH A TROLL! *sharpens axe and strokes beard* Apparently this sucker is training to be a druid and we had to help him. The only fun part was seeing him jump in to chicken form and moonfire himself repeatedly. Other than that, he was as good as a cooked gnome.. USELESS! Look how fancy my purple gloves are though!
After those quests you then find yourself back in Andorhal and finally facing the menace that resides there. It was here I had finally find a bit of World PvP and holy hell it was an Orc warrior.. HE DID NOT KNOW WHAT HIT HIM! I would like to just point out that I did not want to be that guy killing someone over and over again to see who the better warrior was.. BUT I SO DID! no shame.
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She wanted me to kneel.... |
Towards the end of the quest line that I was on, you get to see one of the more notable locations, the tomb of Uther. A place I think everyone should go see once in a while. This guy was a legend among paladins and one of my all time favorite lore characters in the franchise. I thought it was a good time to pay my respects before heading off at level 40 to grab my mount, update my professions and get myself ready for the next adventure!
Below is the list of new abilities I acquired from 30 - 40
A great passive, a straight up damage increase if I wish to go one handed. Which does looks awesome! Plus a new slow with Hamstring which works fantastic on those pesky creatures running away in fear!
So that's it from me this weeks folks. I hope you all have a awesome Easter and I look forward to the next blog post! If you wish to contact me in game or read previous posts please feel free to check out the links below! - Vay.