Friday, 22 May 2015

Basic Mistweaver Healing Guide | Highmaul | The Arcane Sanctum

Hello again everyone! As promised I have written up a very basic healing guide for the next three bosses within the second wing of Highmaul. I want to keep these short and sweet. Less dribble and just the facts you need as a Mistweaver. Thank you for the kind words from my last post! Lets get the ball rolling for another super basic guide! 

Note: These guides do not teach you how to play your class or tell you exactly what spells to use. Just a few tips here and there for good measure. 

Tectus - 
  • If targeted by Crystalline barrage run away from the raid (to the right)
  • If you have any Earthen Pillars spawning on you, Move. (to the left)
  • Tanks take heavy consistent damage throughout. Use spells like soothing mixed with surging. 
  • Raid will take large damage on every Tectonic Upheaval. Use a mixture of uplifts and chi brews to help balance it out. 
  • Use revival on second Upheaval so it could be up for the last one.
  • Spells like chi torpedo coupled with celerity for the extra roll help great for the movement of this fight. 
  • I take chi burst here as I like its raid healing for Upheaval/melee group dealing with red stuff.
  • Statue on melee.

Twin Ogron - 
  • First off, fire is bad, move from it. Zen med and defuse magic negate its damage. 
  • Avoid Pol's charge, spread on pulverize. 
  • Tank A takes damage from whirlwind, save hamster ball for that. (Life Cocoon)
  • Watch out for interruption shout. If you  have a paladin, get them to use devo aura here. (Mana tea wont be interrupted anyway)
  • Keep the statue by the ranged. Single target the melee (My raid never had many of them dudes)

Ko'ragh - Super simple guide. 
  • Fire debuff can be dispelled, if you like to cheese, soon as the first raid wide fire debuff is up, use revival. (will be up for last one)
  • If the boss is charging move away (behind someone else)
  • help stun adds with leg sweep when needed. 
  • Tanks and the player catching the orbs will take heavy damage, Save cocoon for those three. 
  • Dont stand by or near any of the bad stuff (ice, fire, arcane) 
  • Use surging/soothing on tanks (watch for range) and use uplift as a main chi spender here. Lots of AoE damage from people unable to avoid all the avoidable damage. 
There you go folks! Second basic guide complete! I will add some widgets in for the spells for new people looking to know more about the spells, but it's Friday, It's been a busy week and I have a cold now so I want to mong out! Until next time folks! Take care! - Vaylen.

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