Saturday, 16 May 2015

Basic Mistweaver Healing Guide | Highmaul | The Walled City

Hello folks! It's been one hell of a long time since I wrote a super basic healing guide and featured a post about my monk but since my break (getting ready for the forces) I have not had as much time as I wanted to back track on my blog ideas and get writing. However I feel like it's the right time to write up some super basic guides cutting out the boring things like every tactic each encounter has because I'm sure we're all accustomed to them now. Anyway, Below will be a guide on each encounter Enjoy! 

Important! This is a basic guide amusing you already know how to play this class. I will not be covering each spell to use. Just a general overview. Icy veins, wow head and others all have you covered there. 

Kargath Bladefist - 
  • Place statue in the middle of the room for healing coverage.
  • Stay away from tiger pits around the room. Fall in it and you will die.
  • Be aware of fire pillars. If Kargath targets you, run behind a fire piller to stun him. (Chi torpedo is great for this)
  • Tanks take more damage during impale so save cooldowns like cocoon for the second impale.
  • Keep ReM on at least 1 charge
  • Soothing mist on Tanks prio.
  • If there is a ton of raid damage, revival should be used accordingly, don't waste it. 
  • Defuse magic is your best friend.
  • Chi wave for coverage.

The Butcher - 
  • Place statue in melee range.
  • Soothing mist on tanks constantly.
  • Soon as stacks build up from melee groups use AOE heals frequently such as uplift.
  • After second charge, I use revival for a effective recovery.
  • Use ReM as your main chi generator along with surging.
  • Dampen Harm if you really want to reduce  charge damage.
  • When bosses Zerk face, don't panic. 
  • Chi burst, aimed at the melee group is OP.

Brackenspore - 
  • Avoid the green stuff on the floor (Creeping moss)
  • Heal up mushrooms as prio. 
  • The green one, living mushroom should be activated when topped off during infesting spore. (Crazy raid damage)
  • Heal up the blue mushroom for mana regeneration and haste for the whole raid. Here you can go balls to the wall with uplifts and enveloping on tanks.
  • Switch to Crane stance to help kill adds and use ToD on the big adds. 
  • Save cooldowns for the expected tank damage when stacks get high. Otherwise it wont ever be needed. 
  • Chi Torpedo is great here along with celerity for more free heals.
  • Defuse magic/zen med during infesting is great ways to mitigate that poison damage.
There we go! Basic guide on the first wing complete! Expect the rest out during this weekend. For those after my Warrior play throughs, they will be back but only for a month or so as I leave for the Army on the 13th of July! So as I'm sure you guys can appreciate the lateness of them recently. I did actualy cancel my sub to focus on training but I feel like I have to complete my play through as I really did enjoy it and such. Speak soon babes! - Vaylen.

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